
Associate Member
Dr. Tobias Wulfert
- Room:
- R09 R03 H27
- Phone:
- +49 201 18-36919
- Email:
- tobias.wulfert (at)
- Consultation Hour:
- Montag 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung (bitte kündigen Sie Ihre Teilnahme kurz per Mail an)
Curriculum Vitae:
Seit Januar 2018: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik und integrierte Informationssysteme der Universität Duisburg-Essen von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte
Oktober 2015 - Oktober 2017: Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik (M. Sc.) an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität in Münster
- Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Mobile App Service Quality Dimensions and Requirements for Mobile Shopping Companion Apps
Juli 2014 - September 2014: Trainee im Bereich Sales Operations bei Atos Origin Iberia in Madrid
September 2012 - September 2015: Trainee in den Bereichen Windows Server Administration, Project Management und Master Data Management bei Atos IT Solutions and Services GmbH in Herne und Essen
September 2012 - September 2015: Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik (B. Sc.) an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim
- Studienschwerpunkt: Intercultural Management und Logistikmanagement
- Thema der Abschlussarbeit: Entwicklung eines Bewertungsmodells für die Integration von SAP Fiori User Interface Technologien zur Unterstützung von Master Data Management am Beispiel eines Geschäftspartnerpflegeprozesses
- Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Schoormann, Thorsten; Banh, Leonardo: E-commerce ecosystems as catalysts for sustainability: A multi-case analysis. In: Electronic Markets, Vol 34 (2024) No 58. doi:10.1007/s12525-024-00733-zCitationAbstractDetails
Single organizations encounter intricate challenges in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on their own and thus are increasingly concerned with forming ecosystems. This is also the case in the e-commerce domain. It is assumed that particularly focal actors of such ecosystems have the power to foster initiatives towards more sustainability. We conducted an embedded multi-case study with 135 initiatives collected from three types of e-commerce ecosystems to uncover what sustainability goals are addressed by different ecosystem participants. This paper’s analysis explores (1) what sustainability initiatives are reported from focal actors and differences depending on a specific type of ecosystem, (2) dependencies between SDGs within the initiatives, and (3) the degree of involvement of other ecosystem actors and how they contribute to certain SDGs. Our work synthesizes existing initiatives towards sustainable development to give orientation and impulses for practice and academia as well as outlines avenues for future research at the intersection of ecosystems and sustainability.
- Schütte, Reinhard; Harr, Michael Dominic; Wulfert, Tobias; Syfuß, Dustin: Digitalisierung in der Bau-und Handwerksbranche–Herausforderungen für die Gestaltung digitaler End-to-End-Wertschöpfungssysteme. In: HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik (2024), p. 1-21. doi:10.1365/s40702-024-01114-yPDFFull textCitationAbstractDetails
Die Bau- und Handwerksbranche zeigt seit Jahren eine verhältnismäßig niedrige Produktivitätssteigerung, verbunden mit einem geringen Digitalisierungsgrad. Angesichts von Mitarbeiterknappheit, zunehmender Komplexität von Bauprojekten und steigenden Individualisierungsanforderungen der Endkunden scheint die Digitalisierung einer der Schlüsselfaktoren zur Verbesserung der Produktivität zu sein. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert aus zwei strategischen Perspektiven die sich abzeichnenden Entwicklungen in dieser Branche: eine, die bestehende Wertschöpfungslogik und akteurszentrierte Sichtweise, und eine zukunftsweisende Perspektive auf plattformbasierte, service- und informationszentrierte Dienstleistungs-Ökosysteme. Die strategischen Perspektiven werden aus institutioneller Sichtweise eines Großhandelsbetriebs untersucht, welcher als zentraler Intermediär aufgrund zahlreicher Herausforderungen durch Disintermediation gefährdet ist. Die Re-Intermediation digitaler Plattformen und der Wandel hin zu serviceorientierten Geschäftsmodellen könnten disruptiv für die Leistungserstellung sein. Wenngleich eine solche Transition neue Wertschöpfungsansätze verspricht, ergeben sich für innovative Koordinations‑, Kommunikations- und Integrationskonzepte neue Herausforderungen. Basierend auf der strategischen Analyse werden die zentralen Herausforderungen, welche die mangelnde Etablierung der Technologisierung in der Bau- und Handwerksbranche zum Teil bedingen, exemplarisch anhand der Abbildung von Variantenartikeln im Stammdatenmanagement und der Auftragserfassung analysiert. Die zunehmende Variantenvielfalt in der Bau- und Handwerksbranche kann stammdatenseitig über konfigurierbare Materialien abgebildet werden. Diese Materialart bietet für Vertriebsmitarbeiter und Kunden eine Variantenkonfiguration anhand vorab definierter Merkmale. In der Belegerfassung sind zukünftig vielfältige Geschäftsvorfälle und Kundentypen zu integrieren, um das Tagesgeschäft im Vertrieb bestmöglich zu unterstützen. Die skizzierten Herausforderungen müssen durch Standardisierung und intelligente IT-Systeme bzw. Stammdatenkonzepte gelöst werden, um die konstatierten Produktivitätsdefizite überwinden zu können und die Digitalisierung der Bauhandwerker zu stärken.
The construction and crafts sector has seen a relatively low increase in productivity for years, combined with a low level of digitalization. In light of labor shortages, the increasing complexity of construction projects, and rising demands for customization from end customers, digitalization appears to be a key factor in enhancing productivity. We analyze the emerging developments in this sector taking two strategic perspectives: one that preserves existing value creation logic and actor-centric views, and another that looks forward to platform-based, service- and information-centric business ecosystems. The strategic perspectives are explored from the institutional viewpoint of a wholesale business, which, as a central intermediary, faces potential threats from disintermediation. The re-intermediation through digital platforms and the shift towards service-oriented business models could be disruptive, transforming traditional value chains into network-like structures. While this transition promises new value creation approaches, it also poses fresh challenges for innovative coordination, communication, and integration concepts. Based on this strategic analysis, key challenges impeding the full adoption of technology in the construction and trades sector are examined, particularly through the lens of variant article representation in master data management and order processing. The increasing variety of construction materials can be managed through configurable materials in master data, allowing for predefined variant configurations by sales staff and customers. Future document processing must integrate diverse business transactions and customer types to support sales operations effectively. Addressing these challenges through standardization and advanced IT systems is essential for overcoming productivity deficits and enhancing digitalization in the trade sector.
- Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero: Follow the flow: An exploratory multi-case study of value creation in e-commerce ecosystems. In: Information & Management, Vol 61 (2024) No 8. doi:10.1016/
Platform-based ecosystems dominate e-commerce, generating value through participant growth and resulting network effects. However, research has lacked any conceptualization of value creation in e-commerce ecosystems. This paper fills this gap by providing a theoretically grounded and empirically validated conceptualization of value creation and exchange, including roles, value creation activities, and value flows among participants. The model integrates insights from a systematic literature review and a multi-case study of ten leading e-commerce ecosystems. Furthermore, an extension to the e3-value notation is proposed by introducing ecosystem segments, allowing for a higher level of abstraction of meta-roles and individual ecosystem participants.
- Strobel, Gero; Wulfert, Tobias; Banh, Leonardo: TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN: AN E-COMMERCE ECOSYSTEM AGENT-BASED SIMULATION. In: AIS (Ed.): Wirtschaftsinformatik 2024 Proceedings. Würzburg, Germany 2024. CitationAbstractDetails
E-commerce is one of the most important sectors of the economy, with an expected global turnover of USD 7.4 trillion in 2024. Leading companies in the industry like Amazon and Alibaba leverage platform business models that orchestrate complex ecosystems of buyers and sellers. These ecosystems are characterized by globally intertwined networks of independent participants and multifaceted interactions, making their development hard to predict. We propose an agent-based simulation approach, following the three-step process of Haki et al. (2020), to predict the behavior of e-commerce ecosystems with a particular focus on the impact of premium subscription services. Simulation models offer the opportunity to tangibly visualize the effects of a participant's actions on the ecosystem level. Our simulation includes the key actors (i.e., buyer, seller, marketplace), their characteristics, and behaviors to draw conclusions about the evolution of the ecosystem and the strategic role of premium memberships in shaping these digital landscapes.
- Brackmann, Clemens; Wulfert, Tobias; Busch, Jan; Schütte, Reinhard: The Art of Retail Pricing: Developing a Taxonomy for Describing Pricing Algorithms. 2024. CitationAbstractDetails
The price is the most important determinant for product sales and is highly influential for a company's success. Nevertheless, price determination often follows individuals’ rules of thumb augmented with product and economic performance indicators. With the increasing dissemination of artificial intelligence in organizations and society, the accuracy of price determination in retail might be
enhanced by sophisticated pricing algorithms. Technological developments further increase the number of pricing algorithms and pricing tools available. Against this backdrop, we applied Nickerson et al.’s (2013) approach, proposing a taxonomy for describing pricing algorithms in retail. The taxonomy
consists of 19 dimensions and 59 characteristics. Analyzing 70 pricing tools revealed a high specialization for selected retail domains, a focus on competitor monitoring and dynamic pricing, and a minor use of current machine learning techniques. This is a first attempt at structuring pricing algorithms and developing a price management toolbox that constructs artificial intelligence-enabled pricing algorithms.
- Muschkiet, Michel; Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Banh, Leonardo: Unleashing the digital building bricks: A smart service taxonomy for retail. In: Electronic Markets, Vol 33 (2023), p. 51. doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00666-zCitationAbstractDetails
The increasing online competition, associated changes in customer behaviors, and effects of the pandemic in recent years have led to increasing retail store closures. This development has given rise to a downward spiral in terms of a decreasing attractiveness of local shopping places and a further reduction of stores. Research has recognized that smart services can unleash the potential to compensate for the competitive disadvantages of physical retailers by combining tailored physical and digital offerings to enhance customer-oriented value creation. However, most approaches are limited to in-store services without addressing the wider shopping experience in retail surroundings. Therefore, this paper provides a classification framework for smart services in retail evaluated against 163 use cases, as well as six service archetypes. This work contributes to understanding relevant service design elements and proposes applying the idea of a holistic customer experience to service design in physical retail environments.
- Brackmann, Clemens; Huetsch, Marek; Wulfert, Tobias: Identifying Application Areas for Machine Learning in the Retail Sector. In: SN Computer Science, Vol 4 (2023), p. 426. doi:10.1007/s42979-023-01888-wCitationAbstractDetails
Machine learning (ML) has the potential to take on a variety of routine and non-routine tasks in brick-and-mortar retail and e-commerce. Many tasks previously executed manually are amenable to computerization using ML. Although procedure models for the introduction of ML across industries exist, the tasks for which ML can be implemented in retail need to be determined. To identify these application areas, we followed a dual approach. First, we conducted a structured literature review of 225 research papers to identify possible ML application areas in retail, as well as develop the structure of a well-established information systems architecture. Second, we triangulated these preliminary application areas with the analysis of eight expert interviews. In total, we identified 21 application areas for ML in online and offline retail; these application areas mainly address decision-oriented and economic-operative tasks. We organized the application areas in a framework for practitioners and researchers to determine appropriate ML use in retail. As our interviewees provided information at the process level, we also explored the application of ML in two exemplary retail processes. Our analysis further reveals that, while ML applications in offline retail focus on the retail articles, in e-commerce the customer is central to the application areas of ML.
- Wulfert, Tobias: Boundary Resource Management in Innovation Ecosystems: The Case of E-Commerce. In: Electronic Markets, Vol 33 (2023), p. 1-27. doi:10.1007/s12525-023-00651-6CitationDetails
- Wulfert, Tobias; Dennhardt, Benjamin: Establishing Successful E-Commerce Ecosystems: Evluating Strategies for Reaching a Critical Mass of Participants. In: Corporate Ownership Control, Vol 20 (2023), p. 130-145. doi:10.22495/cocv20i3art9CitationDetails
- Wulfert, Tobias; Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Schoormann, Thorsten; Banh, Leonardo: UNBOXING THE ROLE OF E-COMMERCE ECOSYSTEMS TO ADDRESS GRAND CHALLENGES. In: Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023). Kristiansand, Norway 2023, p. 1-21. CitationDetails
- Hütsch, M.; Wulfert, T.: Design Principles for Machine Learning Marketplaces in Enterprise Systems. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Hawaii 2022. PDFCitationAbstractDetails
While standardized enterprise systems (ES) have become widely accepted, this is not the case for machine learning (ML) implementations, which are mostly developed individually in company-specific projects. Necessary historical data and rare ML capabilities result in a low cross-market ML utilization. To overcome the high usage barriers of ML, it should be incorporated into ES in a standardized manner. Therefore, we propose to implement an ML marketplace. While marketplaces in ES already exist, this paper proposes a marketplace dedicated to the exchange of ML models in a federated learning approach. Accordingly, this work formulates four meta requirements based on interviews, which are structured by marketplace governance dimensions. With these meta-requirements, an ML marketplace was implemented in a design science research project, from which eight design principles are derived. The design principles address governance dimensions for making ML accessible to many companies and allow them to integrate ML into existing ES.
- Wulfert, T.; Woroch, R.; Strobel, G.; Seufert, S.; Möller, F.: Developing design principles to standardize e‑commerce ecosystems - A systematic literature review and multi‑case study of boundary resources. In: Electronic Markets (2022). doi:10.1007/s12525-022-00558-8Full textCitationAbstractDetails
Platform ecosystems have captured a variety of markets, enabling coordination, transactions, and value co-creation between independent actors. A focal platform constitutes the central nexus of e-commerce ecosystems and fosters the interaction among ecosystem participants through their boundary resources. Standardizing these interfaces simplifies ecosystem entry for developers and increases the number of participants propelling the network effects, and thus the overall value of the ecosystem. Currently, there is a lack of prescriptive design knowledge guiding platform owners in designing successful e-commerce ecosystems. Addressing this issue, we followed a dual approach, reporting on a systematic literature review in which we identified design requirements and complemented these with a multiple-case study on selected e-commerce ecosystems. Aggregating the requirements resulted in six meta-requirements and 19 design principles that foster the standardization of focal e-commerce platforms. Our design principles simplify the development of complements and enable multi-homing for developers due to possible standardization across ecosystems.
- Schütte, R.; Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.: IT-Systeme wirtschaftlich verstehen und gestalten - Methoden – Paradoxien – Grundsätze. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2022. (ISBN 978-3-658-34615-7) doi:10.1007/978-3-658-34616-4Full textCitationAbstractDetails
Der Einsatz von IT-Systemen ist omnipräsent. Im Gegensatz zur Verbreitung der Systeme werden die Wirkungen der Systeme für Individuen, Unternehmen oder Gesellschaften selten betrachtet. Damit dürften viele Nutzer und Unternehmen von der Wirkung der Investition überrascht werden. Die Gefahr fehlerhafter Investitionen nimmt zu und mögliche Potenziale der IT bleiben ungenutzt.
Das Buch vermittelt wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen über die Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit von IT-Systemen. Aufbauend auf Grundlagen aus der Organisationslehre, Soziologie, Entscheidungstheorie, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung wird diskutiert, welche Phänomene durch IT-Systeme induziert werden. Die mannigfaltigen Wirkungen von IT-Systemen sowie Verfahren zur Wirkungsermittlung werden beschrieben. Sämtliche Aspekte für ein holistisches Wirkungsmanagement von IT-Systemen von der Projektskizze bis zur Umsetzung in der Realität werden in einem neuen Ansatz integriert.
- Hütsch, M.; Wulfert, T.: A Structured Literature Review on the Application of Machine Learning in Retail. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). (Online Event) 2022. CitationDetails
- Wulfert, T.; Busch, J.: Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). (Online Event) 2022. CitationDetails
- Wulfert, T.; Schütte, R.: Retailer’s Dual Role in Digital Marketplaces - Reference Architecture for Retail Information Systems. In: SN Computer Science. 3:206. 2022, p. 1-17. PDFCitationDetails
- Muschkiet, M.; Wulfert, T.: Holistic customer experience in smart city service systems – a conceptual model. In: 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2022). New York City, USA 2022. CitationDetails
- Schütte, R.; Wulfert, T.: Referenzmodelle und -architekturen: wiederverwendbare Modelle zur Unterstützung der Digitalen Transformation.. In: Roth, S.; Corsten, H. (Ed.): Handbuch Digitalisierung.. Vahlen, München 2022, p. 1-29. CitationDetails
- Schütte, R.; Muschkiet, M.; Wulfert, T.: Smart City Experience: von isolierten Services zu Smart Service-Ökosystemen.. In: Bruhn, M.; Hadwich, K. (Ed.): Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement. . Springer, Heidelberg 2022, p. 1-25. CitationDetails
- Schütte, R.; Wulfert, T.: Digital platforms and trading companies: the evolution of traditional business ecosystems to integrated digital business ecosystems.. In: Baumann, S. (Ed.): Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems: Technolgies, Markets, Business Models, Management, and Societal Challenges.. Cheltenham, UK 2022, p. 736-736. CitationDetails
- Wulfert, Tobias; Karger, Erik: Shaping Digital Platforms in E-Commerce: Developing an Architecture Framework. In: Proceedings of the 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2022). Virtual Conference 2022, p. 1-17. CitationDetails
- Woroch, Robert; Strobel, Gero; Wulfert, Tobias: Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech Ecosystems. In: Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS2022). Copenhagen, Denmark 2022, p. 1-17. CitationDetails
- Wulfert, Tobias; Karger, Erik: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF PLATFORM RESEARCH IN E-COMMERCE: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE RESEARCH AGENDA. In: Corporate Ownership \& Control, Vol 20 (2022), p. 185-200. doi:10.22495/cocv20i1art17CitationAbstractDetails
An important economic sector influenced by the development of platforms is e-commerce. The most successful companies in e-commerce employ platform business models and strive to provide other companies with application services. Despite growing economic importance and rising research interest, thus far, no attempts were made to structure existing research into platforms in e-commerce. Hence, a quantitative bibliometric analysis of 7,463 platform-related papers in the context of e-commerce was conducted. The papers were published in major conferences, journals, and books from 1993 to 2021. The authors identified a continuous development of platform research in e-commerce, with the continuous development characterized by three major periods of research. Furthermore, four clusters in platform research are outlined, i.e., business models, social commerce, infrastructure, and socio-technical characteristics. These clusters can serve as a foundation for future research. The conducted bibliometric analysis contributes to scientific research by offering an objective and systematic overview of platform research in e-commerce.
- Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.; Wernsdörfer, J. E.: TOWARDS A REFERENCE VALUE CATALOGUE FOR A COMPANY-SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT OF THE IT BUSINESS VALUE –PROPOSING A TAXONOMY TO SELECT IT IMPACTS FROM EXISTING CATALOGUES.. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Marrakesh 2021. CitationDetails
- Hütsch, M.; Wulfert, T.: Implementation of Placement Optimization in Electronic Commerce: Towards a Data Generation Method to Increase Forecast Elasticity.. In: Proceedings of the 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). Dubai 2021. CitationDetails
- Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.; Wernsdörfer, J; Schütte, R.: A Literature-Based Derivation of a Meta-Framework for IT Business Value. In: Filipe, J.; Smialek, M.; Brodsky, A.; Hammoudi, S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Volume 2. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Online Streaming 2021, p. 291-302. CitationAbstractDetails
The business value of IT in companies is a highly discussed topic in information systems research. While the IT business value is an agreed upon term, its decomposition and assessment on a more detailed level is ambiguous in literature and practice. However, assessing the IT business value is pivotal for goal-oriented IT management. Therefore, we suggest a hierarchical decomposition of the IT business value along aggregated impacts and atomic impacts. We introduce a taxonomy to gain a better understanding of what types of atomic impacts may be caused by IT investments. With the help of the taxonomy, we classify a total of 957 values from existing value catalogs and derive 29 archetypal IT impacts grouped by a company’s business units. Bundling this grouping with exemplary impacts for the IT value assessment, we finally propose an IT value meta-framework for the structured business value assessment.
- Wulfert, T.; Schütte, R.: Retailer’s Dual Role in Digital Marketplaces: Towards Architectural Patterns for Retail Information Systems. In: Filipe, J.; Smialek, M.; Brodsky, A.; Hammoudi, S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Volume 2. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Online Streaming 2021, p. 601-612. CitationAbstractDetails
Multi-sided markets (MSMs) have entered the retail sector as digital marketplaces and have proven to be a successful business model compared to traditional retailing. Established retailers are increasingly establishing MSMs and also participate in MSMs of pure online companies. Retailers transforming to digital marketplaces orchestrate formerly independent markets and enable retail transactions between participants while simultaneously selling articles from an own assortment to customers on the MSM. The retailer’s dual role must be supported by the retail information systems. However, this support is not explicitly represented in existing reference architectures (RAs) for retail information systems. Thus, we propose to develop a RA for retail information systems facilitating the orchestration of supply- and demand-side participants, selling own articles, and providing innovation platform services. We apply a design science research approach and present seven architectural requirements that a RA for MSM business models needs to fulfill (dual role, additional participants, affiliation, matchmaking, variety of services, innovation services, and aggregated assortment) from the rigor cycle. From a first design iteration we propose three exemplary, conceptual architectural patterns as a solution for three of these requirements (matchmaking for participants, innovation platform services, and aggregated assortment).
- Schütte, R.; Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.: Das Wertbeitragscontrolling als Anreicherung bestehender Vorgehensmodelle des Software Engineering. In: Lecture Notes der GI (2019), p. 111-126. PDFCitationDetails
- Wulfert, T.: Mobile App Service Quality Dimensions and Requirements for Mobile Shopping Companion Apps. In: Junior Management Science (2019) No 4(3), p. 339-391. CitationDetails
- Wulfert, T.; Betzing, J. H.; Becker, J.: Eliciting Customer Preferences for Shopping Companion Apps: A Service Quality Approach. In: Proceedings of the 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019). Siegen, Deutschland 2019, p. 1220-1234. Full textCitationDetails
- Wulfert, T.; Seufert, S.; Leyens, C.: Developing Multi-Sided Markets in Dynamic Electronic Commerce Ecosystems - Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Marketplaces.. In: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021). Maui, Hawaii , p. 6133-6142. PDFCitationAbstractDetails
Multi-sided markets (MSMs) have proven to be a successful business model in the dynamic electronic commerce environment. There exists a variety of MSMs differing in their provided features and services for their participants. Existing taxonomies often focus on value creation and business-to-business transactions. We apply Nickerson et al.’s taxonomy development approach. We especially incorporated aspects of orchestrating the distinct market sides and governance dimensions. The developed taxonomy for MSMs consists of 21 dimensions and 99 characteristics in total. We have applied our taxonomy to 44 MSMs and identified asymmetries between the market sides concerning Monetization, Network Effect Amplifiers and Provided Services. We emphasize that the taxonomy is not only an artifact for classifying the current situation of an MSM but can also be used by MSM owners to derive directions for the future development. We illustrated how these developments can be conducted by examples for five dimensions of our taxonomy
- Wulfert, T.; Woroch, R.; Strobel, G.; Schoormann, T.; Banh, L.: Unboxing the Role of E-Commerce Ecosystems to Address Grand Challenges, 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), 14.06.2023, Kristiansand, Norway. Details
- Wulfert, T.; Karger, E.: Shaping Digital Platforms in E-Commerce: Developing an Architecture Framework, 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2022), 07.07.2022, Virtual. Details
- Wulfert, T.: Introduction to the Session on Electronic Business, 26th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS2022), 07.07.2022, Virtual. Details
- Wulfert, T.; Busch, J.: Reference Architectures Facilitating a Retailer’s Dual Role on Digital Marketplaces: A Literature Review, 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS2022), 26.04.2022, Virtual. Details
- Wulfert, T.; Schütte, R.: Retailer’s Dual Role in Digital Marketplaces: Towards Architectural Patterns for Retail Information Systems, 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021), 27.04.2021, Virtual. Details
- Wulfert, T.; Seufert, S.; Leyens, C.: Developing Multi-Sided Markets in Dynamic Electronic Commerce Ecosystems - Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Marketplaces, 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021), 07.01.2021, Virtual. Details
Tutored Theses:
- Impacts of digitalization on the logistics processes in commerce: opportunities and potential risks (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Management of big data projects: Requirements for the project management (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Blockchain application possibilities and application risks in the web 3.0 (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digitization in Healthcare: Opportunities and Risks of Smart Connected Products in Electronic Health (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Mobile Advertising: Designing Promotion Efforts in Mobile Shopping Apps (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Behavior control through nudging in business-to-consumer online shops: opportunities and risks (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digitization in Healthcare: Opportunities and Risks of Big Data in Medicine 4.0 (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Chances and risks of mobile payment for the stationary retail in Germany (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Outsourcing of IT infrastructure services - Infrastructure as a service vs. classic data center outsourcing solutions (Bachelor Thesis Computer Science)
- Application possibilities and application risks of block chain in supply chain management (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Customer Experience in retail: adventure shopping as the future of stationary retail (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Expandability of cloud applications - using the example of expense reporting of external employees at mindsquare (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Database Technologies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Establishing a platform ecosystem: How to influence ecosystem participants using platform governance mechanisms (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Implications of the digital transformation on the textile value chain - offshoring vs. reshoring (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Commerce and Platforms - sophisticated analysis of platform types and their strategic impact on retailers (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Disruption potential of platform-based ecosystems – Development of a governance analysis framework for a cross-industry comparison of companies using platforms as catalysts (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Blockchain in commerce: Conception of a traceability system for specific product groups within the supply chain management of a German retailer (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Identity and Access Management in the Context of Industry 4.0 – Evaluating a Framework for Integrating Smart Production Systems (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Change in business transactions in the value chain through smart contracts - oportunities and limitations of the blockchain technology (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Platform concepts from a software perspective: a literature review (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Database Technologies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Establishing a platform ecosystem: How to influence ecosystem participants using platform governance mechanisms (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the Scope of Enterprise Systems: Historical Development, Current Trends and Outlook (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Outsourcing of IT infrastructure services - Infrastructure as a service vs. classic data center outsourcing solutions (Bachelor Thesis Computer Science)
- Analysis of selected agile process models in software engineering - evaluation with regards to principles of the agile manifesto (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digital platforms in commerce - strategic importance of different platform types for retail companies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digitization in retail: Analysis of the potential of new technologies for use in stationary retail (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
- Software platforms - differentiated evolvement of platform boundary resources and their relevance to innovation and transaction platforms (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Controlling of IT services: Determination of performance indicators and processes for the optimization of IT service operations (Bachelor Thesis Computer Science)
- Change in business transactions in the value chain through smart contracts - oportunities and limitations of the blockchain technology (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Software platforms - differentiated evolvement of platform boundary resources and their relevance to innovation and transaction platforms (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of selected agile process models in software engineering - evaluation with regards to principles of the agile manifesto (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Application of smart services in digital healthcare: A Literature Analysis (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Platform governance dimensions – focused on potential platform pricing policies and their implementation in electronic commerce (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Development of a taxonomy for digital marketplaces for digital and physical products (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Reference architectures for information systems in electronic commerce: A literature review (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Standardization in Smart Home: An Analysis of the Boundary Resources of Selected Platforms (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Boundary Resources in Platform-centered Ecosystems: A Structured Literature Review (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)