Here you can find all informations about the projects of the IIS-Chair.
Here our students work together in teams to solve complex problems. In doing so, they can apply their know-how acquired in previous studies and improve their competences in the given focus of the project.
Application for a BA-/MA-Project
Option 1: Predefined topic
Please find yourself a group of 3-4 students with whom you want to accomplish your bachelor or master project and apply as a group for a predefined topic using the application form. Applications for the winter semester are possible from october, Applications for the summer semester are possible from april.
Option 2: Own topic
Please find yourself a group of 3-4 students with whom you want to accomplish your bachelor or master project and contact the office. We will then discuss your topic area in a first meeting based on your interests and know-how.
You are welcome to introduce your own ideas and suggestions. As an initial orientation for possible topic areas you can take a look at our fields of competence. It is of avail, if you and your group come to an agreement about one or two possible key aspects beforehand.
Tasks of the students
- Literature research
- Selection and assessment of the materials
- Structuring and organization of the project
- Outlining the project objectives
- Presentation of the intermediate results
- Liability for questions and answers
- Timely submission
Tasks of the chair
- Topic definition and support for a topic formulation
- Feedback for questions withing a reasonable time
- Provision of counseling hours
- Evaluation and assessment of the project
Please send your requests, comments or questions using your current Otherwise, we cannot process your e-mail promptly!

Online application
Here you can apply via the online form for projects at the IIS-Chair.

Themes in progress
Here you will find all projects currently in progress at the IIS Chair.