
Study Course Coordination
Dr. Sarah Seufert
- Room:
- R09 R03 H27
- Phone:
- +49 201 18-33390
- Email:
- sarah.seufert (at)
- Consultation Hour:
- Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 and with appointment (please send an email if you want to visit during the consultation hour).
Curriculum Vitae:
Since December 2015: Research Assistant/Ph.D. candidate at the Chair of Business Informatics and Integrated Information Systems at the University of Duisburg-Essen by Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte
January 2013 – June 2013: Semester abroad at the Högskolan i Borås in Sweden
October 2012 – December 2015: Studies of Business Informatics (M. Sc.) at the University of Duisburg-Essen
March 2012 – December 2014: Working student at the department of accounting and enterprise development at vitronet Holding in Essen
October 2009 – November 2012: Studies of Business Informatics (B. Sc.) at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Fields of Research:
- Unternehmensarchitekturen
- Wirkung von IT-Systemen
- Big Data und Business Intelligence (BI)
- Enterprise Systems
- Harr, Michael; Seufert, Sarah: Selecting appropriate process models for IT projects: Towards a tool-supported decision approach. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) 2023 Proceedings (2023). PDFFull textCitationAbstractDetails
The appropriate selection of suitable process models plays an important role for IT project success. To aid in decision-making, IT project management literature offers a plethora of decision models for selecting suitable process models, however, hybrid process models are often neglected and adoption in practice is low or non-existent. To address this challenge, we draw on contingency theory to develop and implement a tool-supported decision model for the selection and evaluation of appropriate process models for IT projects, thereby leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning in the context of a self-enforcing network. Our model provides an objective tool to assess process model suitability. Results from a conducted online survey with project management experts indicate high validity. Therefore, we contribute to the field of IT project management by expanding AI-based decision models for selecting and evaluating process models through extending the range of covered models and implementing inherent weighting of criteria.
- Wulfert, T.; Woroch, R.; Strobel, G.; Seufert, S.; Möller, F.: Developing design principles to standardize e‑commerce ecosystems - A systematic literature review and multi‑case study of boundary resources. In: Electronic Markets (2022). doi:10.1007/s12525-022-00558-8Full textCitationAbstractDetails
Platform ecosystems have captured a variety of markets, enabling coordination, transactions, and value co-creation between independent actors. A focal platform constitutes the central nexus of e-commerce ecosystems and fosters the interaction among ecosystem participants through their boundary resources. Standardizing these interfaces simplifies ecosystem entry for developers and increases the number of participants propelling the network effects, and thus the overall value of the ecosystem. Currently, there is a lack of prescriptive design knowledge guiding platform owners in designing successful e-commerce ecosystems. Addressing this issue, we followed a dual approach, reporting on a systematic literature review in which we identified design requirements and complemented these with a multiple-case study on selected e-commerce ecosystems. Aggregating the requirements resulted in six meta-requirements and 19 design principles that foster the standardization of focal e-commerce platforms. Our design principles simplify the development of complements and enable multi-homing for developers due to possible standardization across ecosystems.
- Schütte, R.; Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.: IT-Systeme wirtschaftlich verstehen und gestalten - Methoden – Paradoxien – Grundsätze. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden 2022. (ISBN 978-3-658-34615-7) doi:10.1007/978-3-658-34616-4Full textCitationAbstractDetails
Der Einsatz von IT-Systemen ist omnipräsent. Im Gegensatz zur Verbreitung der Systeme werden die Wirkungen der Systeme für Individuen, Unternehmen oder Gesellschaften selten betrachtet. Damit dürften viele Nutzer und Unternehmen von der Wirkung der Investition überrascht werden. Die Gefahr fehlerhafter Investitionen nimmt zu und mögliche Potenziale der IT bleiben ungenutzt.
Das Buch vermittelt wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen über die Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit von IT-Systemen. Aufbauend auf Grundlagen aus der Organisationslehre, Soziologie, Entscheidungstheorie, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung wird diskutiert, welche Phänomene durch IT-Systeme induziert werden. Die mannigfaltigen Wirkungen von IT-Systemen sowie Verfahren zur Wirkungsermittlung werden beschrieben. Sämtliche Aspekte für ein holistisches Wirkungsmanagement von IT-Systemen von der Projektskizze bis zur Umsetzung in der Realität werden in einem neuen Ansatz integriert.
- Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.; Wernsdörfer, J. E.: TOWARDS A REFERENCE VALUE CATALOGUE FOR A COMPANY-SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT OF THE IT BUSINESS VALUE –PROPOSING A TAXONOMY TO SELECT IT IMPACTS FROM EXISTING CATALOGUES.. In: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Marrakesh 2021. CitationDetails
- Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.; Wernsdörfer, J; Schütte, R.: A Literature-Based Derivation of a Meta-Framework for IT Business Value. In: Filipe, J.; Smialek, M.; Brodsky, A.; Hammoudi, S. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Volume 2. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Online Streaming 2021, p. 291-302. CitationAbstractDetails
The business value of IT in companies is a highly discussed topic in information systems research. While the IT business value is an agreed upon term, its decomposition and assessment on a more detailed level is ambiguous in literature and practice. However, assessing the IT business value is pivotal for goal-oriented IT management. Therefore, we suggest a hierarchical decomposition of the IT business value along aggregated impacts and atomic impacts. We introduce a taxonomy to gain a better understanding of what types of atomic impacts may be caused by IT investments. With the help of the taxonomy, we classify a total of 957 values from existing value catalogs and derive 29 archetypal IT impacts grouped by a company’s business units. Bundling this grouping with exemplary impacts for the IT value assessment, we finally propose an IT value meta-framework for the structured business value assessment.
- Schütte, R.; Seufert, S.; Wulfert, T.: Das Wertbeitragscontrolling als Anreicherung bestehender Vorgehensmodelle des Software Engineering. In: Lecture Notes der GI (2019), p. 111-126. PDFCitationDetails
- Wulfert, T.; Seufert, S.; Leyens, C.: Developing Multi-Sided Markets in Dynamic Electronic Commerce Ecosystems - Towards a Taxonomy of Digital Marketplaces.. In: Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2021). Maui, Hawaii , p. 6133-6142. PDFCitationAbstractDetails
Multi-sided markets (MSMs) have proven to be a successful business model in the dynamic electronic commerce environment. There exists a variety of MSMs differing in their provided features and services for their participants. Existing taxonomies often focus on value creation and business-to-business transactions. We apply Nickerson et al.’s taxonomy development approach. We especially incorporated aspects of orchestrating the distinct market sides and governance dimensions. The developed taxonomy for MSMs consists of 21 dimensions and 99 characteristics in total. We have applied our taxonomy to 44 MSMs and identified asymmetries between the market sides concerning Monetization, Network Effect Amplifiers and Provided Services. We emphasize that the taxonomy is not only an artifact for classifying the current situation of an MSM but can also be used by MSM owners to derive directions for the future development. We illustrated how these developments can be conducted by examples for five dimensions of our taxonomy
Tutored Theses:
- Analysis of the needs of modification of ERP-Systems due to digitalization in the procurement process field (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems) AbstractDetails
Diese Bachelorarbeit soll untersuchen, ob ERP-Systeme aufgrund neuerer Anforderungen durch die Digitalisierung um neue Technologien erweitert werden sollten, damit diese auch in Zukunft noch die Beschaffungsprozesse im Unternehmen zufriedenstellend unterstützen können. Dafür werden Analysekriterien aufgestellt, die aus aktuellen Herausforderungen der Beschaffung, neuen Anforderungen an die Informationstechnologien sowie die Beschaffung durch die Digitalisierung bestehen. Anhand dieser Analysekriterien wird dann untersucht, ob treibende Technologien der Digitalisierung mit ERP-Systemen kombiniert werden sollten.
- Analysis of Cloud Computing - Assessment of Solution Proposals for small and medium-sized enterprises (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems) AbstractDetails
Diese Bachelorarbeit hat das Ziel, Cloud Computing in kleinen und mittelständigen Unternehmen zu analysieren. Dabei wird vor allem auf die Fragen, ob der Einsatz von Cloud Computing für die Unternehmen vorteilhaft ist und welche Lösungsangebote für die kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen geeignet sind, eingegangen. Dazu wird ein Kriterienkatalog entwickelt, der den IT-Leitern und Entscheidern zur Orientierung dienen soll. Um dies zu erreichen wird ein Überblick über den aktuellen Stand von Cloud Computing gegeben. Darauf aufbauend werden die Chancen und Risiken in dem ausgewählten Kontext identifiziert.
- Cloud-based Applications and Services for SMEs (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems) AbstractDetails
In den vergangenen Jahren hat der Trend des Cloud Computing zu einem weitgehenden Paradigmenwechsel in der Welt der Informationstechnologie geführt. Die Cloud baut auf einer Vielzahl bereits etablierter Ansätze auf, bietet durch die schnelle Bereitstellung von Ressourcen und flexibilisierte Zahlungsstrukturen aber neues Potential für den betrieblichen Einsatz, unter anderem auch in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Diese Arbeit identifiziert zum einen jene Anforderungen, mit welchen sich das Informationsmanagement kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen konfrontiert sieht, und zum anderen die Chancen und Risiken, die mit einem Einsatz von Cloud Technologien einhergehen. In der Gegenüberstellung dieser Faktoren wird diskutiert, ob und in welcher Form der Bezug von Anwendungen über Software as a Service einen potentiellen Wettbewerbsvorteil für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen darstellen kann.
- Challenges and approaches in depicting time-dependent date in Data-Warehouses (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Possibilities and limits of the measurement of a digitization degree of enterprises at the example of the automotive industry (Master Thesis Business Information Systems) AbstractDetails
Die Masterarbeit verfolgt das Ziel, die Möglichkeiten und die Grenzen
bei der Messung eines Digitalisierungsgrades von Unternehmen am Beispiel
der Automobilbranche zu untersuchen.
Im Grundlagen Teil werden auf die Bereiche Digitale Transformation,
Digitalisierung, Digitales Unternehmen und Industrie 4.0 in der
Automobilbranche, eingegangen. Darauf aufbauend wird im Kernteil zuerst
die Notwendigkeit und die Bedeutung der Digitalisierung für Unternehmen
behandelt und anschließend werden die traditionellen Unternehmen mit den
Digitalen Unternehmen kritisch gegenübergestellt. In Bezug auf diese
Gegenüberstellung wird auch auf die Rolle der IT eingegangen (z.B.
welche Bedeutung die IT heute für die Unternehmen hat und wie es in der
Zukunft aussehen wird etc.). Anschließend werden dann die Methoden bzw.
die Möglichkeiten vorgestellt, wie man den Digitalisierungsgrad eines
Unternehmen messen kann. Diese Methoden werden evaluiert und die
Bedeutung eines Digitalisierungsgrades analysiert.
- Comparison of alternative methods for the evaluation of an application-oriented graphical user interface (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- The influence of digitization on Supply Chain Management exemplified on the concept of Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Comparison and analysis of approaches for the assessment of the usability of mobile devices (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Comparison of big data technologies for the implementation of BCBS 239 in the context of total bank management (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Development of a reference model for analytical Information systems in retail enterprises (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Management of the progress of digitization in relation to time (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Industrie 4.0 - Effects of technological changes in production planning and production control prioritising master data (Master Thesis Business Information Systems) AbstractDetails
Die industrielle Produktion befindet sich aktuell in einer grundlegenden Umwälzung, die in Deutschland mit dem Schlagwort „Industrie 4.0“ apostrophiert wird. Produkte, Prozesse und Dienstleistungen werden zunehmend digitalisiert und die physische Welt wird mit der Welt des Internets vernetzt. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es das Ziel der Masterarbeit, zu untersuchen, welche Auswirkungen die technologischen Veränderungen auf die Produktionsplanung und –steuerung (PPS) haben. Dafür werden zunächst Analysekriterien festgelegt, welche die Grundlage für die Beurteilung des Umbruchs der industriellen Produktion bilden. Anhand dieser Kriterien werden unter anderem auch die Folgen der Veränderungen auf die Stammdaten der PPS untersucht.
- Transformation of maintenance planning and repair by utilisation of Industrie 4.0-potential - exemplarily discussed by taking the example of the Dyckerhoff GmbH (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Transformation of application systems-Exemplarily discussed by the introduction of ERP systems (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Impacts of the implementation and Use of ERP Systems in small and medium-sized enterprises (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Challenges in designing applications in the age of digitization - examplarily discussed for mechandise management systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Empirical analysis of the business value of SAP HANA based on selected case studies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Categorization of the business value of IT in Enterprises - examplarily discussed for ERP systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Identification of selection criteria for cloud-based ERP systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Impacts of cyber-physical systems on business models (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Implementation and design of cyber physical systems with the focus on data and functions (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digitization in the commercial sector - Identification of potentials and challenges in Retail (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Improvement of the decision quality with Big Data (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- RFID-Technology in the context of Industry 4.0 - Potentials, Challenges and Use in Productioncompanies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Aufwandsschätzung bei der Einführung von ERP-Systemen – Aufwandsgrößen und geeignete Methoden zur Schätzung (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems) AbstractDetails
Der hier vorgeschlagene Titel soll lediglich eine inhaltliche Anregung darstellen. Die Spezifizierung erfolgt in Rücksprache mit dem jeweiligen Betreuer. Eine Ausarbeitung ist wahlweise in deutscher oder englischer Sprache möglich.
- Analysis of implementation strategies for enterprise-wide integrated IT systems (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Auswirkung einer Unternehmensexpansion auf die IT-Systeme – am Beispiel eines ERP-Systems in einem Franchiseunternehmen (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the added value of BI systems - explained by the example of analytical possibilities for customer relationships (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- The IT business value controlling at the implementation of an product information management system (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of selected approaches for the governance by the use of BI systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Comparative analysis of sales figures forecasting methods (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Implications of the digitalization on the quality of IT services - Approaches to Measurement (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- The design of it system landscapes from the perspective of risk aspector - discussed in a case study of a selected concern (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Chances and challenges of new architectures for enterprise systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Big Data as a decision automation tool (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Platforms in the energy industry - case study on the development of a cross-company platform (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Benefit assessment of an IT system for service management - potential analysis in the context of a case study prior to system implementation (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the technical infrastructure cost types of the network operation of a retail company - Development of a criteria catalog for the evaluation of improvements (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Managing troubled IT projects – common root causes and strategies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Impacts of different it system types - Analysis of differences and similarities (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Opportunities and Challenges in IT multi-project management – state of the art research (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Business Intelligence & Analytics in the health industry: Potentials and Challenges (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the requirements and development of a holistic management dashboard – discussed at the example of a logistic service provider (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Identification of opportunitues and challenges of transferring agile methods to ES implementation projects (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Value contributions of dashboards for finance and accounting for corporate success - discussed using the example of housing project development (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the effects of ERP systems using domain-specific effect catalogs - case study of a grocery retailer (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Benefit identification and -valuation of a process for IT-supported optimization of the demand forecasting - exemplarily considered by means of a chemical distributing company (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digitization in Health Care: Chances and Risks of Electronic Patient Records (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Comparison of selected process models for privacy impact assessment and application to a case study (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Procedure for identifying process improvements in the e-health sector - exemplified by a case study opta data (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Opportunities and challenges of Big Data in commerce (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Wertbeiträge von Dashboards für das Finanz- und Rechnungswesen für den Unternehmenserfolg – diskutiert am Beispiel der Wohnungsbauprojektentwicklung (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Assessment of customer value in the context of customer relationship management and its mapping in selected CRM systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Consideration of the IT Business Value in existing project management approaches (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Prototypical development of a web-based tool for the IT Business Value controlling (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Opportunities and risks of using AI in automated driving (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
- Expenditure estimation at the implementation of ERP systems - Factors and suitable methods for the estimation (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the requirements and development of a holistic management dashboard – discussed at the example of a logistic service provider (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
- Analysis of the effects of ERP systems using domain-specific effect catalogs - case study of a grocery retailer (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Maturity models for Industry 4.0 - general analysis and domain-specific investigation for the automotive industry (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
- User acceptance analysis of ERP systems: A case study in a medium-sized company (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the requirements and development of a holistic management dashboard – discussed at the example of a logistic service provider (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Digitization in Health Care: Chances and Risks of Electronic Patient Records (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Implementing a machine learning algorithm for the analysis of employee valutions - exemplarily discussed for a German insurance company (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of existing concepts for determining the costs of an IT system with regard to a life-cycle-oriented analysis (Bachelor Thesis Business Administration)
- Benefit identification and -valuation of a process for IT-supported optimization of the demand forecasting - exemplarily considered by means of a chemical distributing company (Master Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Auswirkungen der dynamischen Entwicklungen in der IT auf die benötigten Fähigkeiten von IT-Projektmanagern (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Procedure and integration of Benefit Management into the IT project management (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Comparison of cloud-based solutions vs. on-premise solutions in financial planning in medium-sized companies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Erfolg von IT-Projekten - Literaturanalyse möglicher Evaluationskriterien (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Selected maturity models for measuring and evaluating the degree of digitalization of companies (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Process Mining for business process analysis - approaches and tools in the context of standard systems (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Development of a Catalog of Criteria for the Selection of a Procedure Model and corresponding Project Management Methods for the Introduction of Standard Software (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of the implementation of the agile manifesto in agile process models (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Analysis of selected IT project management methods with regard to the consideration of the IT business value (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)
- Adaption der Balanced Scorecard für die IT - ein Instrument zur Beurteilung von IT-Investitionen? (Bachelor Thesis Business Information Systems)