Here you can find all informations about the theses of the IIS-Chair.
Our chair offers students the possibility to independently find a problem within a research domain and work with scientific methods.
Requirements for Bachelor or Master Thesis
If you want to write you bachelor thesis at the chair of business information systems and integrated information systems, you have to either participate in areas of specialization of “E-Entrepreneurship and IT-Management” or “Modeling and Realization of business information systems”. You need to have successfully completed at least two courses of either area of specialization. In case you study business economics, you need to be enrolled into the information systems profile and successfully completed at least three courses of this profile. For any further course of studies, which is not mentioned above, we individually evaluate whether the requirements are fulfilled.
In order to write your master thesis at the chair of business information systems and integrated information systems, you have to successfully participate in either “Management of Large Enterprise Systems”, “Retail Information Systems”, or “Wirkung und Wirtschaftlichkeit von IT-Systemen”. For any further course of studies, we individually evaluate whether you fulfill the requirements.
Additional Recommendation:
In addition to the given requirements, we advise you to write either your seminar paper or project paper at our chair. By doing so, you are already familiar with the formal procedure and the provided templates of our chair. As a result, you can fully concentrate on your thesis.
If you are interested in writing your thesis at our Chair, please inform yourself about our fields of competence and apply via online form.
When getting in touch, please name the key points of your studies and when you want to begin your thesis. On this account, please attach your current transcript of records. It will allow us to find a suiting topic area for you. As a matter of course, you can also bring up your own ideas and suggestions if you like.
For the purpose of orientation, please find the standard procedure of writing a thesis depicted in the figure below.
Responsibilities of the student
- Literature research and topic suggestion
- Selection and evaluation of literature
- Structure and organization of thesis
- Outline of objectives and problem statement
- Presentation of intermediate results
- Obligation to collect regarding question and problems
- Preparing of proposal of assignation of a bachelor/master thesis
- Submission in due time
Responsibilities of the Chair
- Agreement on topic and oprionally support in formulating it
- Feedback to questions in reasonalbe time span
- Offering of consultation hours
- Application at the examination office
- Evaluation of thesis as first reviewer
Please send your requests, comments or questions via your mail. Otherwise we cannot process your e-mail in a short time frame.

Online application
Here you can apply via the online form for dissertations at the IIS Chair.

Topics in progress
Here you will find all theses currently being processed at the IIS Chair.