Wed, 07. Apr 2021 Busch, Jan
Zwei IIS-Publikationen auf der ICEIS 2021 angenommen
Wir freuen uns, dass zwei wissenschaftliche Beiträge von Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schütte, Sarah Seufert, Tobias Wulfert und Jan Wernsdörfer für die ICEIS 2021 angenommen wurden. Die International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems findet aufgrund der aktuellen Situation vom 26.-28. April online statt.
Das Ziel der Konferenz ist es, Forscher, Ingenieure und Praktiker zusammenzubringen, die an den Fortschritten und Geschäftsanwendungen von Informationssystemen interessiert sind. Es werden sechs simultane Tracks abgehalten, die verschiedene Aspekte von Enterprise Information Systems Applications abdecken, darunter Enterprise Database Technology, Systems Integration, Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Analysis and Specification, Internet Computing, Electronic Commerce, Human Factors und Enterprise Architecture.
Der erste Beitrag ist von Tobias Wulfert und Reinhard Schütte und trägt den Titel „Retailer’s Dual Role in Digital Marketplaces: Towards Architectural Patterns for Retail Information Systems“. Das Paper wurde zudem für den Best Student Paper Award nominiert!
Multi-sided markets (MSMs) have entered the retail sector as digital marketplaces and have proven to be a successful business model compared to traditional retailing. Established retailers are increasingly establishing MSMs and also participate in MSMs of pure online companies. Retailers transforming to digital marketplaces orchestrate formerly independent markets and enable retail transactions between participants while simultaneously selling articles from an own assortment to customers on the MSM. The retailer’s dual role must be
supported by the retail information systems. However, this support is not explicitly represented in existing reference architectures (RAs) for retail information systems. Thus, we propose to develop a RA for retail information systems facilitating the orchestration of supply- and demand-side participants, selling own articles, and providing innovation platform services. We apply a design science research approach and present seven
architectural requirements that a RA for MSM business models needs to fulfill (dual role, additional participants, affiliation, matchmaking, variety of services, innovation services, and aggregated assortment) from the rigor cycle. From a first design iteration we propose three exemplary, conceptual architectural patterns as a solution for three of these requirements (matchmaking for participants, innovation platform services, and aggregated assortment).
Der zweite Beitrag wurde gemeinsam von Sarah Seufert, Tobias Wulfert, Jan Wernsdörfer und Reinhard Schütte verfasst und trägt den Titel: „A Literature-Based Derivation of a Meta-Framework for IT Business Value“.
The business value of IT in companies is a highly discussed topic in information systems research. While the IT business value is an agreed upon term, its decomposition and assessment on a more detailed level is ambiguous in literature and practice. However, assessing the IT business value is pivotal for goal-oriented IT management. Therefore, we suggest a hierarchical decomposition of the IT business value along aggregated impacts and atomic impacts. We introduce a taxonomy to gain a better understanding of what types of atomic impacts may be caused by IT investments. With the help of the taxonomy, we classify a total of 957 values from existing value catalogs and derive 29 archetypal IT impacts grouped by a company’s business units. Bundling this grouping with exemplary impacts for the IT value assessment, we finally propose an IT value meta-framework for the structured business value assessment.
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