Wed, 29. Jun 2022 Busch, Jan
IIS-Publikationen auf der PACIS 2022 angenommen
Wir freuen uns, dass ein wissenschaftlicher Beitrag von Tobias Wulfert für die PACIS 2022 angenommen wurde. Der Beitrag entstand in Kooperation mit Erik Karger vom Lehrstuhl für Strategisches IT Management. Die Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems findet auch in diesem Jahr virtuell vom 05.-09. Juli statt.
Der Beitrag von Tobias Wulfert und Erik Karger trägt den Titel „Shaping Digital Platforms in E-Commerce: Developing an Architecture Framework“
In 2024, the global e-commerce revenue is expected to reach USD 6.4 quadrillion, covering 21,8% of overall retail sales. Digital platforms form the core of e-commerce ecosystems, supporting various e-commerce business models with dedicated application services. In e-commerce, there are a variety of platforms with different services and architectures. Currently, however, there is no framework for digital platforms in the specific context of e-commerce. Hence, we apply a design science approach and develop a framework for digital platforms in e-commerce. We analyzed the architecture of selected digital platforms in e-commerce and conducted expert interviews. As a result, our article is the first to propose a tailored platform architecture for the e-commerce context, which is composed of four layers. The framework involves different ecosystem participants and a marketplace for the provision of third-party extensions. Furthermore, we outline future research opportunities and give an outlook on the further development of our framework.
Tobias Wulfert wird als Session Chair durch die Präsentation der Forschungsartikel im Track „E-Business on Digital and Mobile Platforms“ führen. Weitere Informationen zur PACIS 2022 finden Sie unter:
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