Mon, 24. Apr 2023 Busch, Jan
IIS-Publikationen auf der ECIS 2023 angenommen
Wir freuen uns, dass der Beitrag "I See No Fun in Enterprise Systems: An Exploratory Study on the First Impression Usability and User Experience“ von Anika Nissen, Mareen Wienand und Reinhard Schütte auf der ECIS 2023 angenommen wurde! In ihrem Beitrag untersuchen die Autoren die erwartete Nutzbarkeit und das Nutzererlebnis in 4 gängigen Enterprise Systems.
Technology acceptance is crucial, if newly implemented enterprise systems (ES) in a company are to succeed. This is often addressed by end-user training during the implementation project. Perceived enjoyment and positive user experience (UX) have gained significant importance as technology acceptance factors. Yet, research on the design of such trainings is scarce, and literature with focus on perceived UX of ES even more so. This is in contrast to findings from other contexts which show that perceived UX may heavily impact user attitudes and learning motivation. As a first endavour in this direction, this paper presents an exploratory pre-study on first impressions of main operating ES with regard to expected usability and UX. Results show that ES are rated low, especially when compared to a universal UX benchmark. We discuss how more positive first impressions may positively impact motivation to learn the system, which will be investigated in a follow-up study.
Keywords: Enterprise System, End-User Training, First Impression, Usability, User Experience.
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