Wed, 27. Jul 2022 Wulfert, Tobias
IIS-Publikationen auf der AHFE 2022 vorgestellt
Wir freuen uns, dass ein wissenschaftlicher Beitrag von Michel Muschkiet und Tobias Wulfert für die AHFE 2022 angenommen wurde. Die 13. International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics findet in diesem Jahr vom 24. – 28. Juli statt. Michel Muschkiet ist für die Präsentation des Beitrags in New York City.
Der Beitrag und der Vortrag tragen den Titel „Holistic customer experience in smart city service systems – a conceptual model“
Recent developments such as increasing online competition, changing customer behavior, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic result in a decoupling of service provision and consumption from physical service loci. This tremendously decreases city attractiveness for customers. Against this backdrop, we propose an experience-oriented and integrated perspective on service development in smart cities. Research lacks in examining how customer experience can be created in complex service systems involving multiple actors, such as smart cities. Therefore, we develop a customer experience model consisting of ten determinants (social environment, service interface, atmosphere, service selection, price, access, alternative channels, brand, city brand, and previous experience) and two moderators (situation and consumer moderators) in a design science research (DSR) approach (Peffers et al., 2007) involving an extensive literature review and the analysis of 40 international real-world smart city services. Our artifact supports researchers and practitioners in the design and evaluation of customer-oriented smart services in smart city contexts.
Weitere Informationen zur AHFE 2022 finden Sie unter
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