Fri, 13. Oct 2023 Busch, Jan
IIS-Publikation im Electronic Markets-Journal veröffentlicht
Der Forschungsartikel mit dem Titel „Unleashing the digital building bricks: A smart service taxonomy for retail“ wurde im Electronic Markets-Journal veröffentlicht. In dem Forschungsartikel von Michel Muschkiet, Tobias Wulfert, Robert Woroch, Gero Strobel und Leonardo Banh wurde eine Taxonomie zur Beschreibung von Smart Services im stationären Handel entwickelt. Weiterhin leiteten die Akteure sechs archetypische Smart Services ab. Die Entwicklung der Taxonomie erfolgte nach dem etablierten Vorgehen nach Nickerson et al. (2013).
„The increasing online competition, associated changes in customer behaviors, and effects of the pandemic in recent years have led to increasing retail store closures. This development has given rise to a downward spiral in terms of a decreasing attractiveness of local shopping places and a further reduction of stores. Research has recognized that smart services can unleash the potential to compensate for the competitive disadvantages of physical retailers by combining tailored physical and digital offerings to enhance customer-oriented value creation. However, most approaches are limited to in-store services without addressing the wider shopping experience in retail surroundings. Therefore, this paper provides a classification framework for smart services in retail evaluated against 163 use cases, as well as six service archetypes. This work contributes to understanding relevant service design elements and proposes applying the idea of a holistic customer experience to service design in physical retail environments.“
Der Artikel kann unter folgendem Link bei Springer eingesehen werden:
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