Here you will find all informations about the IIS-Talents Program of the IIS Chair
IIS-Talents is the incentive programme of the Chair of Business Informatics and Integrated Informatik Systems (IIS) of the University of Duisburg-Essen und offers the excellent students of the Business Informatics field the possibility, to deepen the contents of the study and get in contact with enterprises. Because of this we select 15 to 25 students every semester to participate in the programme. The goal of IIS-Talents is that the best Business Informatics students are challenged and promoted and that they also apply the contents of the studies in another context beside the university.
If you are interested, have questions or comments, we look forward to hearing from you.
phone: 0201 183-3390
Organisatorische Koordination
Nadine Stritzel

„Durch IIS-Talents erhalten die Studierenden bereits während ihres Studiums einen Einblick in die Praxis und können so bereits mit potenziellen Arbeitgebern networken."
Fachliche Koordination
Sarah Seufert

„Wir erhoffen uns durch das Förderprogramm den Kontakt zwischen hochengagierten Studierenden und Unternehmen aus der Praxis aufzubauen und dadurch den Studierenden aufzuzeigen, dass sie die erlernten Methoden aus der Universität anhand praxisnaher Problemstellungen anwenden können."

informations for students
Here you will find all information about the IIS Talent Program of the IIS Chair for students.

application form
Here you can apply via the online form for the IIS Talent Program at the IIS Chair

previous participants
Here you will find all information of the previous participants of the IIS Talent Program of the IIS Chair.

informations for companies
As a company you will find all information about the IIS Talent Program of the IIS Chair here.