
 Mo., 22. Juni 2020   Seufert, Sarah

IIS-Talents: Von der Prozessautomatisierung hin zur intelligenten Automatisierung bei Ernst & Young

Kerstin Weber, Managerin im Bereich EMEIA Financial Services bei Ernst & Young, berichtet was euch erwartet:

„For the financial service sector, Intelligent Automation provides an opportunity to address current challenges and create a far more efficient, effective, scalable and controllable operating model. This is important because the good times are ending…and fast, due to structural challenges in the industry resulting in sustained fee pressure and reduced operating margins.

The market has recognized these challenges. There is therefore a renewed imperative to implement a digital operating model that enables efficient and safe growth. This represents a major change for the industry. Intelligent automation offers an attractive complementary response, a new strategic capability that augments more traditional levers. It can help firms move the operational efficiency dial quickly and deliver a good return on investment while freeing resources and capacity to embark on strategic programs. In this webcast, we will outline: what Intelligent Automation is; how it is most applicable in Finance; provide sample use cases and also guidance on critical success factors and lessons learnt.

At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand Intelligent Automation, the approach and the tools.
  • Understand why it is particularly relevant to Finance now
  • Gain insight into where and how it can be applied in the value chain, via sample use cases.”